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it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Andy Stewart
steve row
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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  steve row November 4th 2015, 06:46

after a flurry of frenzied activity on the forum (well almost) it has gone a bit quiet

i guess people are consulting diaries , partners etc

as a reminder of the sunday dates posted by pete

22, 29th november
6,13,20,27 december
3, 10 ,17 ,24 jan (31st not listed?)
7 ,14 ,21 ,28 feb

i can do 10,17,24 (31) jan
7 , 21 and 28 feb

might seem a long way off now , but really need at least 6 of us to commit to a date soon

so get consulting and give me your dates

steve row

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  Andy Stewart November 4th 2015, 14:33

Jan/Feb would suit me better, as i am free every weekend then, but i work every other weekend from now up to Xmas.
Andy Stewart
Andy Stewart

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  steve row November 4th 2015, 18:21

Thanks for the reply Andy , next year suits me better too .

Just need 4 more , and them some more too . If that makes sense .

We can then firm up a date , collect some money, give Paul the money and then put a watch on all the board game shops/sites to make sure it does not get redirected

Or should we cut out the middle Paul just to be on the safe side ?

steve row

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  diggers November 5th 2015, 20:01

I have spoke to mac and paul ,they are up for sunday games .I think next year would be best for us as well Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  steve row November 5th 2015, 20:46

so we now have 5 named individuals , Steve , Andy, Martin, Mac and Paul . I am kind of assuming Pete and Nigel are still interested and Phil King actually mentioned he is interested too .

Is it therefore best for me to pick a date so people can start arranging leave , grovel to spouses etc ?

Or do people want to suggest some dates for the rest to choose from?

Currently looking to put on a rapid fire game and several lion rampant games

thinking of tables

we seem to have 11 . would need 3 or 4 pairs for lion rampant , leaving 3 or 5 individual for rapid fire

there are a few other tables that could suit anyone interested in doing a board game or two too ,to cater for a variety of gamers

other suggestions welcome too . although after careful consideration they may be discarded or held over to next all day extravaganza

steve row

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  PeterT November 6th 2015, 16:02

How about Sunday 10th January? I suggest we leave this as the proposed date for a week on the forum to see if everyone buys into it. If we have enough to people we start collecting the money and book it.

I found it best to private message people Steve, as not enough people come on the forum (also if you start a new thread, people on the old one, eg. Me, don't get an email notification that something new has been posted).

Dobbo told me he and two others were also interested.


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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  steve row November 6th 2015, 18:38

so as Pete tries to drag me kicking and screaming into the digital age we have our first proposed date for our Sunday extravaganza.

I will try some of this private messaging stuff , but will continue to use the forum . I guess the private messaging stuff can't be seen by everyone , probably obvious , so it is important to continue to use the forum to reach people . If we just private message then people who may be interested in something the club is doing may miss out

One of the joys of the hobby is that there is no one right way of doing it . We are lucky in that members are pretty tolerant of other members take on the hobby.

I guess also there is no one right way of communicating . Different styles/methods will suit different people and therefore we need to explore various ways of getting information to people.

Until there is something like the bat signal where we can project a beam up into the sky with a picture of an ancients game , a rapid fire game or whatever to let people know what is going on I guess it will be a bit hit and miss who finds out about what

I shall also try to keep to the same post so as not to loose people .

Lets see how I get on with my next lesson.

Constructive feedback as ever appreciated.Alternatively the superior kind of insult/mickey taking favoured by the club will also be acceptable .

steve row

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  steve row November 10th 2015, 18:29

we now have pete , myself , nigel and phil king who can do 10/01/16 so we are getting there .

steve row

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  Andy Stewart November 10th 2015, 19:37

The 10th should be ok for me, i get my shift rota for next year in a couple weeks, if i am working i will book leave.
Andy Stewart
Andy Stewart

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  steve row November 10th 2015, 21:34

then there were 5

as pete has mentioned previously , we will need to sort out some money for this event . i am next down the club on the 25th of this month . if we have enough people to go ahead that would be the time to start getting some contributions together

perhaps some one could ask paul ( he may be reading this i suppose) about how far in advance we would need to book and or pay

steve row

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Date and pay

Post  Paul November 11th 2015, 08:42

The date needs to be confirmed asap.
Payment can be nearer or even after the event.
Cheers Paul geek

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  Gwin November 11th 2015, 16:48

I'm off but need to check with the boss.


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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  steve row November 15th 2015, 20:07

Pete suggested putting the date of the 10th January on the forum for 1 week to see what interest we could get . It has now been more than that .

So far I have only 5 replies that I think are definites and a number of possibles .

Could be several reasons

These could include

No one can make that day

People could make that date but don't want to play the games on offer

People can make that date and want to play the games on offer but haven't got round to confirming that they can

People have not been looking at the forum so don't know about it . I have private messaged a few people .
Maybe need to do so to a few more.

Paul says we need to book asap . From my experience of events , even when you have a number of definites , they do not always all make it

This means that currently to book the hall those interested would need to stump up £20 each . I would not mind that. It maybe that more people would sign up nearer the time and bring the price down.

For the Lion Rampant tournament to work we would need more than 5 of us to give enough games to make it worthwhile.

So to make this work those of us interested need to talk to others who might be to try and increase the numbers.

If this date does not work out we could either postpone the event and try and run something similar later in the year.

As i mentioned when I proposed the tournament, I did so mainly as I do not have a large enough figure collection from anyone period to organise one large all day event.

I have been approached to say perhaps a large game of something like the American Civil War game "Fire and Fury" with several players on each side might be a better option. Other people may have an alternative idea for a large one day event

I will keep the option of Lion Rampant open for a few more days , but at the moment am not confident enough to go ahead with it at the moment

steve row

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  steve row November 23rd 2015, 20:43

No further responses to doing all day game on 10/01/16

Myself , Pete and Phil King have definitely said yes , I think

Nigel has "pencilled it in" and Simon and Andy hope to get along is the way I understand their responses so far .

Still time to get a few more ,if hall still available , but starting to look a bit dodgy I would say .

if we provisionally booked the hall but had to cancel how much notice would we need to give ?

steve row

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Age : 64

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  diggers November 23rd 2015, 22:40

steve,i can't get that sunday off . pale pale

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  PeterT November 24th 2015, 08:02

What Sunday is good for you Diggers? I just chucked that date out there, I think we are flexible, as only 5 people signed up for that date I'm pretty sure we can pick another Sunday in Jan or Feb to suit you and your boys.


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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  steve row November 24th 2015, 17:45

i think that makes it official then 10th january is a no go

any other dates people could make . if we get the big rapid fire came going could still fit the lion rampant around it

another way of doing lion rampant would be to run a league over the year , sign a few poepole up and as long as everyone plays every one doesn't matter what day,week or month as long as done by december

or back to the sunday game there is scope to do another large game at same time as the rapid fire , maybe that fire and fury one or a large napoleonic , crimean , ww1 etc

steve row

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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

Post  Gwin December 2nd 2015, 23:29

Yes alas my wife has plans for me on that day now. So kinda glad we're moving it.


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it's all gone quiet over there !  sunday games revisited Empty Re: it's all gone quiet over there ! sunday games revisited

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