Gravesend Wargamers Club
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Post  Unclebilly May 27th 2014, 08:50

Hot off the press

Dear Broadside 2014 Clubs,


Well, here we are. Just days to go before the event and, thanks to you, 2014 is looking to be our best yet!

Please find attached details of where your stand is in the hall. I would also like to bring your attention to the following important points.

1. Parking. i - This year the system has, supposedly, been simplified. MHWC personnel will be on hand to issue you all with a special parking voucher (up to two per club) which will cost £4.00. (Please bring change with you if you can). The parking voucher must be correctly filled in (date, reg etc.) and placed clearly on your dash board.
ii - Remember, the wardens here have no sense of humour and will book any vehicle they feel has not done this correctly. Please be warned.
iv - You may only use these special vouchers in the main Leisure Centre car park.

2. Access to the venue. Due to an error by the venue management the hall will have to be set up between midnight and 4am on the day of the show by the centre staff. This means that my own team will need to be working hard between 7am and 8am to ensure that the hall is set up correctly...or at all in fact. We have little faith in the centre staff to follow the simple plan we provided so I ask for your understanding on the morning of the show. Rest assured that we will do all we can to get things ready on time.

3. Food. The Leisure Centre has asked me to remind all exhibitors that only food purchased from the venue is allowed to be consumed on site. Hmmm....indeed. May I suggest what the eye does not see the heart cannot grieve for. There is a Sainsburys supermarket next door which also has a cafe.

4 Club Competitions. There are three club competitions which all clubs are automatically entered for with the exception of CTK.

i. BEST GAME IN SHOW - Sponsored by Pen & Sword Books. The winner will be chosen by democratic vote by the visitors to this years event. Visitors will be given a token that they will give to the club they believe has provided the best game. Each club will be given a special collection box to accept these tokens and these will be opened and counted by the MHWC official and a winner declared at 3pm! So, engage with the public and convince them to vote for you! PRIZE = £100.00 of Books!
ii. MOST INNOVATIVE GAME IN SHOW - Sponsored by Wargames Foundry. The winner will be chosen by the MHWC members based upon how innovative the exhibiting club has been and their imagination in creating their game on the small table. What interesting and clever things can be played on that space? Winner will be declared at 1pm to allow club to choose their purchases. PRIZE = £60.00 Wargames Foundry Voucher (to be spent in show)
iii. BEST PAINTED FIGURES USED BY CLUB - Sponsored by Wargames Foundry. The winner will be chosen by the attending clubs themselves! The members of each club must agree which game they think has the best painted figures (They cannot vote for themselves) and log their vote with the MHWC official. Failure of a club’s members to agree or provide a club agreed vote will result in that club being disqualified. Winner will be declared at 1pm to allow club to choose their purchases. PRIZE = £60.00 Wargames Foundry Voucher (to be spent in show)
5. Any issues arising. Should any club have any issues or questions on the day please feel free to speak to one of my team (wearing a white ‘Milton Hundred Wargames Club’ tee shirt). Should the issue remain unsolved or further assistance is needed please do not hesitate to call me personally 07588-806306.



Posts : 99
Join date : 2012-05-25
Age : 44

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