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20mm gaming

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20mm gaming Empty 20mm gaming

Post  Steve r June 9th 2012, 16:43

Why try wargaming in 20mm ? One reasön is the cost . The soft plastic figures are a fraction of the cost . This means it is possible to collect 3 or 4 armies or one really large army for the price of one metal army . Another advantage is the weight . When you get to my age clambouring about in the loft after boxes of heavy metal figures becomes quite a chore . Plastic figures much easier to move about . This means i can walk down to the club with my armies so i can indulge 2 of passions , wargames and beer . Ranges of available figures . Virtually any period is gameable with a number of manufacturers offering ranges of figures . Pete has a number of chariot armies , punic war and imperial romans . I have greek hoplite . Nigel has medieval . We all have 18th century armies . Pete has colonial and napoleonic , pete and i have ww1 , pete has several ww11 armies . I think pete may have other armies too . There also figures for pike and shot , samurai , aztecs and many others . The figures can be converted fairly easily . Sometimes just a different paint job is all that is required . So next time you are planning an army and are also looking at your bank balance , why not consider 20mm plastic figures ? You won't regret it !

Steve r

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Age : 64
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20mm gaming Empty Re: 20mm gaming

Post  PeterT June 10th 2012, 22:18

There is one problem with plastics, Steve. All wargamers are tempted to buy more than they can painted. With plastics being cheap it is easy to buy WAAAAYYYYY more than you can paint!!! I know, I'm a plastics addict! Some time around 2020 I might just be getting around to painting those two undercoated ECW armies, the Teutonic knights and Mongols, the Zoaves I bought to convert to Indian mtineers, the....well, you get the idea. I think Martin has the same problem!


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Join date : 2012-05-09

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20mm gaming Empty Re: 20mm gaming

Post  BBrotherwood June 11th 2012, 09:48

Now if you had some Russians to fight them Mongol s you could do a quite interesting campaign covering Orlok Tsubodai campaigns through most of eastern Europe.....

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20mm gaming Empty 20mm

Post  Steve r June 11th 2012, 18:56

Hi pete . Yes i know you can end up with boxes and boxes of the things but they are less likely to bring down the ceiling when you stow them in the loft . Hi ben , nigel has got some medieval russians i believe

Steve r

Posts : 43
Join date : 2012-05-25
Age : 64
Location : Gravesend

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20mm gaming Empty Re: 20mm gaming

Post  PeterT June 11th 2012, 20:14

The new Zvedva Medieval Russian Knights (and also the Renaissance era Cossacks) are some of the nicest of the new batch of figures & are really nice (don't have them but drooled over them on Plastic Soldier Review). They've also been recommended by various 20mm HOTT (Hordes of Things) fans for 20mm Rohan Riders. Either way could be a useful addition to the 'plastic mountain'.

Have started four 20mm HOTT armies (Orcs, Dwarves, Skeletons, Elves with figures from Caesar/Dark Alliance -complete madness as I have lots of 28mm Fantasy figs including the much nicer GW LotR figs). Told myself I could take figures from my other 20mm armies - but not actually that sensible as don't have dark age/medieval 20mm figs painted-though naturally have several boxes of unpainted figures. So my warped brain thought I could get some nice 20mm medieval/fantasy armies adding the Russian knights and maybe the Hat Industrie El Cid era Arabs/Andalucians (whether as Haradrim or more fanciful 'flying carpet' or Djinni fighting armies). Never played HOTT but enjoy DBA which its based on and people tell me its a good fun game and like DBA can be played in an hour or so, so you can have a mini-campaign in an evening or two. HOTT armies are small, rules are now free and no 'official' universe- instead lots of 'fan-based' armies based on everything from Discworld to Victorian Sci-fi, and in 20mm anyone can knock up an army for ten or fifteen quid. Thought of doing some surplus Punic war Velite figures as a sort of Barbarian Wolf Tribe, and saw someone do the Zvedza Medieval Peasants as sort of Hussite-style religious fantatics...these are the dangers of reading too many blog sites and not spending enough time painting figures!


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Join date : 2012-05-09

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20mm gaming Empty 20mm

Post  Steve r July 1st 2012, 22:48

Pete mentioned about the perils of having too much plastic to paint . This morning i was beginning to wonder about the wisdom of taking on the challenge of painting the acw armies that were recently forced upon me ( if i remember correctly ) . However by early afternoon i had finished the 3rd union infantry brigade . I have also assembled and undercoated 2 artillery batteries . I was about to start painting them when my wife insisted on taking me out for a curry . I couldn't refuse and hurt her feelings but next time she mentions unpainted figures i shall have to remind her about the time she broke my concentration !

Steve r

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Join date : 2012-05-25
Age : 64
Location : Gravesend

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20mm gaming Empty Re: 20mm gaming

Post  diggers July 1st 2012, 23:28

Food or painting ??? you can tell i dont do a lot of painting pig pig pig

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20mm gaming Empty Re: 20mm gaming

Post  phil24 July 2nd 2012, 14:52


Don't under sell yourself

You normally get half a figure undercoated !! Laughing



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