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Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again

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Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again Empty Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again

Post  steve row July 19th 2016, 21:13

well most of the games in the lion rampant league have now been played . i think pete has to play nigel and andy to finish it off.

it has been fun and although there are times when the system has been a little frustrating , it has generally been worth it to play a series of games that can be fitted in to the time restraints at the club

with chris and jim raising armies , there has been discussion about starting a second league in september . who else may be interested ?

steve row

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Age : 64

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Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again Empty Re: Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again

Post  Andy_D July 20th 2016, 11:03

It's been good fun Steve, put me down for Round 2.

The system is a bit quirky sometimes, I usually don't mind as it's a quick game and just a bit of fun. I think the main source of weirdness is the unpredictability of the activation system, but that's an easy one to fix with a simple house rule if people thought it was warranted.

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Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again Empty Son of LR

Post  Lee Newton July 20th 2016, 17:04

Thoroughly enjoyed these games despite only winning one in four games. Sheer bloody mindedness on my part to get this retinue to kick some medieval arse.

Up for round two also. I just need 6 more figures to add to my expert Serjeants and spotted that Perry do an Agincourt Foot Soldiers box - so that might solve my problem and give me more to add to the plastic mountain.


Lee Newton

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Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again Empty Re: Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again

Post  steve row July 25th 2016, 07:24

been thinking about the activation rules . they are a vital part of the game . there are times when if you don't activate much it doesn't matter . there are times when it does . there were also a few games where players missed several turns in a row because they failed their fist activation

for those unfamiliar with the system , you have to roll 2 dice and get more that a particular score . for example from memory , you need to role 6 or more to get archers to shoot , but 8 or more to get them to charge into hand to hand combat ( or is it 7? the rules are in the loft at the moment )

for those that don't know , at the beginning of the game you roll on the leader skills table . one of the leader skills allows you to re roll the first failed activation of a unit within 12" of your leader each turn . this , in my opinion , is so much better than all the other potential leader skills

the difficulty in getting certain units to do different things is presumably factored into the points system and all the other phases of the game , if we tinker with activation it could skew the game unfairly in other ways.

to win a game of lion rampant you have to amass glory points by achieving the scenarios objectives.
however you can boost the points by making and achieving boasts , there is a list of suitable boasts about the unpleasant things you are going to do to your opponent , the more difficult the boast ,the more points you get . there is a downside though . if you fail to acHieve a boast you lose a glory point

having considered a number of alternatives for tinkering with the activation sequence my favourite would be to have a number of "get out of the stocks free" cards . if you fail an activation within 12" of your leader , you could play a card and activate the unit that failed the test and then end your turn , however if you play this card you lose a glory point .this way you at least get to do something that turn , even if it is your first activation . but there is a consequence

any thoughts?

steve row

Posts : 188
Join date : 2015-02-27
Age : 64

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Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again Empty Re: Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again

Post  Andy_D July 25th 2016, 09:19

I quite like that idea Steve, costing a glory point is a nice touch that will make people think twice about using it. I also think it would make the rule self-limiting, no need to have a limited number of them as if you use the ability more than a couple of times in a game you're pretty much shooting yourself in the foot.

The other suggestion I'd seen on the Duxrampant forums was to allow a reroll if you failed your first activation of the turn. That's even simpler, but I think I like your idea better Steve.

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Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again Empty Re: Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again

Post  steve row August 19th 2016, 13:33

think the first time i would be availble for a lion rampant game would be 8th september (hopefully that is a wednesday)

could start round 2 then or try some friendlies with the re roll activation for a glory point modification to see how it works

steve row

Posts : 188
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Age : 64

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Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again Empty Re: Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again

Post  steve row September 19th 2016, 06:41

owing to nigel and myselfs new fascination with vietnam this hasn,t got off to the speedy start i had hoped.

it will still happen and if any one wants to start some games please feel free to do so . otherwise i will pick a date in october to start it and put it on here shortly

steve row

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Age : 64

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Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again Empty Re: Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again

Post  Andy_D September 19th 2016, 14:26

Anybody up for the 28th then? I'm not fussy, I'll fight you all!

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Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again Empty Re: Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again

Post  steve row September 24th 2016, 12:51

i can,t make 28th . nor can nigel . have emailed lee and sent a text to pete and chris

steve row

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Age : 64

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Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again Empty Re: Son of Lion Rampant League 2, the Sequal, Rides Again

Post  steve row September 24th 2016, 12:56

hi andy , just heard from chris . he says he should be able to make it

steve row

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Age : 64

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