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lion rampant league

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lion rampant league Empty lion rampant league

Post  steve row December 3rd 2015, 20:49

as abit of fun i would like to run a lion rampant league next year

if people are interested if they could let me know

depending on how many are interested we could play each other once or twice in the year

each player would get glory points for meeting victory conditions and completing boasts

at the end of the year we can see who is the winner

by doing in it on a casual as and when people are available basis and limiting the number of league games it will be hopefully doable

will need a bit of fine tuning before the actual launch date

if people want to play more games then they just won't count in the league

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row December 8th 2015, 08:11

IF WE COULD GET SAY 6 PLAYERS INTERESTED IN THIS LEAGUE IDEA THEN WE WOULd each only have to play 5 league games throughout the year, leaving plenty of time for all those other games systems we like to play.
would be good to have names soon to start the league in January

if we get less than that, to start with , then it would be easy to fit people into the league later in the year as would still only have to use up a few evenings to play all the other players.

If it is just me, then, would the club pay for a trophy for me as I will have won it. Providing i remembered to turn up!!

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Lion rampant league

Post  Lee Newton December 9th 2015, 12:52

I'm in as long as it was Wednesday night rather than Sunday

Lee Newton

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  Andy Stewart December 10th 2015, 11:06

I dont get down to the too regular, but i would like to sign up, sounds like fun.
Andy Stewart
Andy Stewart

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row December 10th 2015, 21:47

it will be on wednesdays . i aim to keep it small so that people do not have to spend too many weeks tied into it. if suddenly there are hordes of people interested it could run as 2 small leagues to again limit number of games to a managable level

it will use 24 point armies . people can change armies from game to game as there is nothing worse (actually there probably is) than being stuck in a competition with less than brilliant army

however there will a scenario generated at the start of each game so it might be the scenario rather than poor choice of troops that led you to that excrutiatingly , painfully, humiliating defeat!!!

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row December 18th 2015, 18:18

Currently have myself , Pete, Nigel , Andy and Lee wanting to play

At one game against everyone else could be done quite early in the year ,or not .

If it does finish in, say, April then we could run possibly it again .

if other people want to play now or later in the year could run a separate league., Again would limit spaces so it can be easily with not too much commitment .

If people want to play lots of it though they could go into more than one league as long as they don't end up having to play 53 games in the year.

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  Lee Newton December 19th 2015, 11:48

Sounds good - need to get a wriggle on with my painting then lol

Lee Newton

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row January 10th 2016, 08:30

aim to make a start on this in february

do not want to put in loads of rules as to how the league will run

i with we can all come to sensible (?) agreements if there are any matters for discussion during games

if there are 2 people who want to start in january then that would be good too

i would like results and possibly a short report so we can all see who is doing what to who

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  Andy_D January 10th 2016, 09:20

I'm keen, but haven't got 24pts worth of troops at the mo. I was going to collect a big Breton army for War and Conquest and have some figures already but this might be a nice stepping stone on the way to a W&C 100+ miniatures sized army.

On a related note, I brought Dragon Rampant too and have plenty of 28mm fantasy stuff for that. The rules are almost identical so if anybody wants to take a crack at it let me know and I'll bring some stuff down one Weds. For folks who don't have a LR retinue painted yet it might be a way to get some practice games in?

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  Andy_D January 25th 2016, 11:27

Actually, having had a rummage it looks like I have got 24pts worth in the lead mountain. If we can confirm that this is going to happen I'll bump it to the front of the painting queue.

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  Phil King January 26th 2016, 20:39

Count me in, I am finishing off the last of the infantry, just 12 Knights and I am done so this will help me get my bum in gear and finish slapping paint on them!
Phil King
Phil King

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  Lee Newton January 28th 2016, 18:04

I'm still in but can't do the 10th Feb - killing zombies with Guy and the 17th I have something on elsewhere so won't be at the club.

Are we drawing names at random for round one? Once we know who we're fighting we can get things moving?

Lee Newton

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row January 30th 2016, 14:48

Have found myself a little distracted by various things so not done anything with this lately

After allowing Nigel to thrash me twice playing this game last Wednesday, i am now a bit more focused .

There is no need to set up dates for various rounds of this "tournament" but as a way of kick starting i am proposing the first games be played on march the ninth .

i do have a hat ( several actually ) to draw names from if needs be .

So if any of you can start that night let me know so we can make sure we reserve enough tables.

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row February 14th 2016, 12:08

so with less than a month to go until the "campaigning season" starts we have following contenders



pete t


andy stewart

andy d

phil king

so as there are only 6 games each contestant has to take part in should be able to finish sometime in 2018!!!!

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  Andy_D February 14th 2016, 12:29

Good stuff.

So far I've got two units sort of painted, and the rest undercoated. Trouble is I'm not going to have much time for painting in between now and then, so I apologise in advance if I take to the table with unpainted stuff.

In the meantime it would be good to get a game in before we start. Anybody want to play 2nd March? I can do Lion Rampant with unpainted Early Medieval Bretons, or Dragon Rampant with more painted fantasy beasties than you can shake a stick at (it's the same game really).

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row February 18th 2016, 06:40

as i have often used dwarf artillery in my burgundian army i would have no objection to unpained figures or to use not quite the right sorts of figures . as long as it is made obvious what they represent

can't make the 2nd of march . hopefully Andy will find a willing oponent

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row February 27th 2016, 07:21

Has Andy had any luck with a game for 02 march? If not ,Andy, do you have room to set up a solo game . You could use card board bases to represent say an English missile heavy army and run your forces into it a few times just to get the feel of how the system works . There are probably some sites that would give other ideas for solo games .

We don't all have to start league games on 09 march , and indeed we probably won't . So if you want a practice game before you want your league game that would be fine . Just to get people playing the system would be good

I am happy for some to challenge me to a league game straight away because i find if i practice too much i only end up improving the things that help me to lose games!!!!

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  Andy_D March 3rd 2016, 10:43

Played Adam at some Command & Colours in the end, and won't be down next week then beating Phil up in Normandy the week after. Earliest I could play a LR game would be three weeks time (23rd).

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row March 3rd 2016, 18:29

no rush to get the games done

anyone free for the 23rd to play Andy? if not it might have to be me !!!!

i don't mean that to sound like don't want to play Andy and will only play him if nobody else will. Stop digging Stephen..........

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row March 23rd 2016, 06:40

any rampanteers need a game on 30th march?

i won't be along myself but happy to act as a matchmaker

have been re reading the rules and spotted a couple of bits about how cover works during attacks that i hadn't noticed before

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row April 9th 2016, 12:28

april 20th . anyone free for a game . that is the next ime i will be along

but as always , don't be shy . talk to each other , play each other and let me know how well/badly you got on

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  Andy_D April 10th 2016, 20:15

I'll play you on the 20th Steve.

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row April 10th 2016, 22:22

cheers Andy

i believe Lee and Pete are also looking for a game that evening and as they have played each other already perhaps you could play one of those two and i will play the other . if that is ok ?

will confirm who is playing who nearer the time

steve row

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  Andy_D April 19th 2016, 07:42

Sounds like a plan, Steve!

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lion rampant league Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row April 21st 2016, 07:09

well , well ,well

2 more games completed

i played a rather poor game against Pete and got soundly thrashed . i was supposed to be setting fire to various objectives but could not seem to get my head round the concept that if i stood in the open in front of his crossbow unit i would get shot before i could get my matches out .
Nigel and Andy played a rather closer game trying to track down/rescue a fugitive.

as i type this squinting through my blurry grief stricken eyes i realise i have left the details of who scored what upstairs ,so will update the league table this evening

plenty of movers though . bet you can all hardly wait.................

steve row

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