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lion rampant league

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lion rampant league - Page 2 Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row May 9th 2016, 07:18

although i will be down the club before the Wednesday with the first week in June in it, that will be the first time i will available for my next game , so if anyone else can plan that vaguely ahead.........

and as always if you want to sort out some games between yourselves..........


steve row

Posts : 188
Join date : 2015-02-27
Age : 64

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lion rampant league - Page 2 Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row May 18th 2016, 18:30


historically medieval warfare did not feature many battles in a campaign

however it is time to kick this one along a bit so any one up for a game on 01/06/16 ?

steve row

Posts : 188
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Age : 64

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lion rampant league - Page 2 Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row May 21st 2016, 15:32

so having chatted last Wednesday to various people we could have myself , Pete , Lee, Andy , Chris and Nigel along for the next thrilling instalment of the league on 01/06/16

this gives me 10 days to read through the rules and work how best to use my battle winning force , followed by an evening bemoaning the fact that i didn't get round to it !

steve row

Posts : 188
Join date : 2015-02-27
Age : 64

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lion rampant league - Page 2 Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  Andy_D May 23rd 2016, 13:20

Steve, I know I said to you last Weds that I'd be down on the 1st, but I'm actually off on holiday that week. Top bit of calendar reading on my part there.

That looks like I've left you with an odd number of players, my apologies. If somebody dips out I can play them on the 15th?

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lion rampant league - Page 2 Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row May 23rd 2016, 21:05

not a problem Andy . i have always said if there is an odd number of players i am happy to drink beer and offer insincere condolences when people have bad dice rolls ! could play on 15th though .

steve row

Posts : 188
Join date : 2015-02-27
Age : 64

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lion rampant league - Page 2 Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row June 2nd 2016, 07:33

another couple of games done last night

first up Lee vs Nigel

opted for the blood bath scenario . both sides advanced with Lee managing to activate all his units for 3 consecutive turns , then he tried to shoot and failed . he was to get some good rounds of shooting in and damaged several of Nigels units . Nigel was sniping figures off Lees archer units and after a few more turns of shooting they both fled . however so had a couple of Nigels units .
Lees close combat units then got in on the act and chewed up some more of Nigels troops .
with only 5 units left on the table it was time to roll to see if the game ended and with a mighty 6 it did
totting up kills and boasts it was a very narrow 12 to 11 points in Nigels favour

next up was steve against lee playing bloodbath again . lee thrust forward with sirs unit supported by some archers on a hill . this led to my sir challenging and dispatching said enemy leader . Lees retinue had to test and his archers merrily retreated back down the hill . my 2 units of men at arms wild charged for a couple of turns which finished off a couple of Lees units while also getting my illustrious leader killed . again , with 5 units left on the table we rolled the inevitable 6 bringing the game to an end

worked out the glory points i thought we should all get . however in the cold light of day have read the victory conditions again and realied have not done them properly so will re calculate later and update the table

steve row

Posts : 188
Join date : 2015-02-27
Age : 64

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lion rampant league - Page 2 Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row June 3rd 2016, 20:21

so looking at what happened the other night

lee got 10 points of kills to Nigels 12 . therefore Nigel gets 5 glory points . Nigel also attempted 3 boasts . he got his 2 point one but failed on the other 2 so gets no additional glory points and ends up with 5 glory points for this game
Lee achieved his 2 point boast but failed his 1 point boast so in total gets 1 glory point

Steve got more kill points than lee so gets 5 glory points . he achieved a 2 point and a single point boast but failed on his 3rd one so gets two extra which totals 7
Lee again achieved a 2 point boast but failed the other to give him 1 glory point.

now to get these figures into the league table

steve row

Posts : 188
Join date : 2015-02-27
Age : 64

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lion rampant league - Page 2 Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row June 18th 2016, 15:20

15th of june saw Jim and Chris takes their first tentative steps towards Lion Rampant competency

more relevant to the league saw Andy ready to take on Lee

the scenario invovled occupying an objective in the centre on the table . each turn you had a unit next to it you got one glory point . the first one to 5 glory points ended the game .

andy got off to a flying start and soon his unit of sergeants with their leader were on the objective . they were then shot at by a unit of expert bow . although they took casualties they were were to elated to care . next turn they handed the objective over to a unit of foot .

thje unit of expert archers had mixed fortunes over the next few turns . they were charged by the seargeants and should have been ridden down . instead they routed the sergeants meaning Andy lost his leader . his army did not seem too bothered as they all passed the resulting courage tests .
either side of this event the expert archers tried to shoot ANDY'S UNIT AWAY FROM THE OBJECTIVE

THEY FAILED TO ACTIVATE ON 3 CONSECUTIVE TURNS MEANING IT WASN'T LONG BEFORE it was Andy's turn again and he swiftly racked up the 5 glory points needed to win the scenario

his opponent did not even get within 11 inches of the objective as could not get his army to move .

you may have noticed that Lee does not get his name mentioned much in this . That is because at the last minute he was unable to attend and his place was taken by Steve

as a result of not managing to move Steve managed to fail both his boasts and scored a whopping minus 2 .

Andy did get the 5 glory points , but as was not able to get at Steve's leader or get nearer to Steve's baseline(the leaders unit spent the game camped on the baseline!) he failed 3 boasts so ended up with 2 points

it was however an entertaining game with some suitably silly comedy moments

until next time..............

steve row

Posts : 188
Join date : 2015-02-27
Age : 64

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lion rampant league - Page 2 Empty Re: lion rampant league

Post  steve row June 29th 2016, 06:53

i won't be down the club again until 13/07 . but, as always , keep those lionb rampant games going and let me know the results

steve row

Posts : 188
Join date : 2015-02-27
Age : 64

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